Phrases Of Encouragement Is This The Correct Way To Use A Semicolon?

Is this the correct way to use a semicolon? - phrases of encouragement

A semicolon is used correctly?

... Monika and push my right hand, repeated the words of encouragement, "Come on, we can do" and "We're almost there, girl.


Captain K said...

To me it looks like a coma who work there. A semicolon is to connect the two agreements in touch. Here is an example.

The bus driver took a wrong turn while driving to school, all children too late.

These two clauses could be alone, but a semicolon attached.

R S said...

"It is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use commas. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. They only show that you have been to college."
-Kurt Vonnegut ... one of the great American novelists.

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