Persistent Bowel Pain I Have Reactive Lymphocytes In My Blood, I Am Being Investigated For Bowel Problems. What Could This Mean?

I have reactive lymphocytes in my blood, I am being investigated for bowel problems. What could this mean? - persistent bowel pain

Hello, I am for any records as I celiac persistent diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. I had my first batch of new blood (celiac screen is not back yet) and my WMC had "reactive lymphocytes. Can anyone tell me what that means. I am very worried.
My other blood were mostly normal, I had a PCR-18 and creatinine was 50th

I would be glad counsel until the results of others.

Thank you very much


HisNameI... said...

It's like poo. ...

In other news, ask your doctor, not Yahoo Answers.

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