Usa Sharking Income Tax Return Money That My Father Received From Me?

Income tax return money that my father received from me? - usa sharking

How it all started when I was a boy, of course, my father has completed to add me as a dependent on your tax return. And now that I'm 18, I realize that my father was as devious and difficult. Mi padre nunca me dio nada en su declaración de impuestos, me refiero a lo que se supone que debe ser las minas para el retorno annual nunca vino a mi lado y nunca lo puso en una cuenta bancaria para mí ahorrar para la universidad o por otra thing, and invested the money in another country. So now we are not talking, and I understand that the have done their homework with me. I know what I can do to repay this sum by the law. Can I do it in court for what I do? Oh, and also does the same with my brother and sister who never gave the tax return. He uses a lot of advantagesUnited States, covering many things, such as reducing the cost of food by applying for food stamps, also said work to ensure that only less than 20,000 dollars per year in the factory. While on loan-sharking and money surpasses black cab around New York to his job. I have about $ 50,000 per year and extends up to the United States also have the IRS and the FBI at the top. How can I bring my money to the courts or for reporting to the FBI or the IRS. What can I do?, Consulting a lawyer is better


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